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  1. C

    Hoping to get your impressions on our retro gaming show

    Alright lads, myself and a buddy started a retro gaming series a while back and although the views haven't been too high we are still powering through in the hope that it will be noticed. We are on episode 14 at the moment. I was hoping you could take a look. This weeks episode plays through...
  2. C

    Is it business as usual in town today?

    Or what's the craic? I don't want to venture in for nothing.
  3. C

    If you have Candy Crush uninstall it now!

    The tactics they are getting away with at the moment are disgusting! Albert Ransom created a game called Candy Swipe in 2010. Two years later released an exact replica of the game called Candy Crush Saga. The resemblance was so uncanny it was an insult to Albert Ransom. Both parties...
  4. C

    They are out in numbers tonight

  5. C

    Ctrl V time lads. What ya got?

    Here is mine: Some prick over on reddit from the North.
  6. C

    Conversation piece #1 for Monday morning

    Sure we'll see a fine stretch in the evenings from now on. Sure it wont be long coming ha...
  7. C

    Remember those German army classic parca jackets?

    I am trying to pick one up as a present for Christmas. I can only find them online in men's sizes and the Army Surplus Stores in Middleton and Killarney don't stock them. The jacket is a present for herself, one of those hints I picked up on a while back. Can anybody help me out here?
  8. C

    Is Heaven Pizza gone bang or what's the craic?

    Their phone is still on. they still have offers going out. Any ideas?
  9. C

    Plans for a Burger King to go up by Holly Hill

    Anybody else hear this? Strange enough choice of location.
  10. C

    So when do all the drunk people get here?

    Shit always gets thrown around about people posting while pissed on here. Not much going on.
  11. C

    8 Arguments In Support Of Sweatshop Labour
  12. C

    Time Capsule Opened In Oklahoma...

    ..After 100 Years! (pics)
  13. C

    On the US Immigraton Bill

    Source: Reddit
  14. C

    How did this happen?

    Police track DNA of a cotton bud maker for two years.
  15. C

    A monkey?

    Clonakilty honours crash-landing monkey with statue. Sorry if this has already been posted but I couldn't see it mentioned anywhere.
  16. C

    The internet has ruined April Fools!

    No fun at all today. Did anything happen that is actually worth talking about?
  17. C

    KFC set to create 1,600 new jobs. Would you?

    Good for jobs but would you actually work there?
  18. C

    The Americans (2013 TV series)

    Thinking about giving it a watch. Has anybody seen it?
  19. C

    Would you do it?

    Urban wingsuit flying (Rio de Janeiro)