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  1. K

    The night is darkest before the dawn.

    Poor Keith Tally has been begrudged he his rights to post in other forums. Gone are the insightful comments on rugger in the sports forum. Gone is the spreading of good will in the TFF. Begrudgery has descended, it's darker than ever. But the night is darkest before the dawn.
  2. K

    Will Paul McGrath ever play for Man Utd again?

    Or has he well and truely burned his bridges with Sir Fergie this time?
  3. K

    Leaning Vs Standing

    After a poo, and you're doing the old wipe, do you stand up or just lean to the side and drop the lamh? I'm a stander myself. Think the leaning technique is pretty gross.
  4. K

    FAO Finner

    Bad news. Gerrard Deparoo has croaked it. Poor fella.