Referendum on Family & Care

What way are you voting

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That's a Trumpian far right wish list right there, sad to see such stupidity being given oxygen.

Drill baby, drill.

I think the complacency and detachment from everyday opinion of our government, opposition and media apparatus was put under sharp focus today.

I hadnt spoken to a single person who was in favour of these amendments.

They can try and frame this as people not understanding the amendments (they did) or the nefarious fAr RiGhT but its clear people have had enough of this woke bollocks.

The Greens are finished, so are Labour. Its going to be an interesting year politically
We need Green policies now more than ever, the Greens are the only party who are prepared to even contemplate taking difficult decisions for the greater good instead of based on what the electorate wants, nobody who believes that climate change is real should be wishing to see the Greens wiped out.

If you oppose climate actions then you are on the same side as the Healy Raes, Mattie McGraths of this world.
We need Green policies now more than ever, the Greens are the only party who are prepared to even contemplate taking difficult decisions for the greater good instead of based on what the electorate wants, nobody who believes that climate change is real should be wishing to see the Greens wiped out.

If you oppose climate actions then you are on the same side as the Healy Raes, Mattie McGraths of this world.

How does removing the word 'woman' from the Constitution save the planet?

In your own time
Hes Dublin Bay South.

Im just having a hard time believing that the unelected and completely unrepresentative citizens assembly could have gotten it so wrong.

Its almost as if picking 100 people from 4 million, feeding them a load of NGO presentations then having a show of hands isn't a good way to formulate policy.
Citizens Assembly recommended neutralising the language with the constitution..So in its simplest form replacing the word "mother" with "parent". The Dáil committee who took it on after the CA recommended something similar. and it could have easily been done.

It was The dept of Equality (Rodders) that came up with the durable relationship stuff and the wording on care about striving to ensure.
Citizens Assembly recommended neutralising the language with the constitution..So in its simplest form replacing the word "mother" with "parent". The Dáil committee who took it on after the CA recommended something similar. and it could have easily been done.

It was The dept of Equality (Rodders) that came up with the durable relationship stuff and the wording on care about striving to ensure.
On point. The government couldn't help manipulating what the citizens assembly had decided and they wrecked any chance of them passing. I said it here weeks ago that double No was inevitable. All parties seem hopelessly out of touch on so many topics and theres fuck all urgency or innovation when it comes to the housing crisis.

They were absolutely cleaned out at the polls, obliterated. It's embarrassing for FFG and the Greens. It's shame about the Greens because there's an energy and climate crisis that they need buy in from the public on and OGormans arrogant behaviour here has consequences for this.

Also interesting how the poll on this thread wasn't far off the results!
It's certainly given him an ego boost, finding holes in this referendum proposal was a piece of cake, he can go back to the law library now.
The Government got played. The far right were delighted with these referenda.

McDowell latched on to this and used it as a way of getting his face back on tv again. I highly doubt he convinced many to vote no. The Government just didn’t make any attempt at convincing people to vote yes. He’s unlikely to be as relevant again.
Well it went the way anyone with half a functioning brain knew it would.

My question is how could the parties who pushed so hard for this not read the temperature of the on the ground given the resources available to them?

It’s a real reflection on how far removed they are from the will of the country and raises serious questions about some many other important issues.

Who will be held accountable for this debacle?
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Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St.

14th Jun 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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