De Irish Times 'all men are bastards' thread

Ah victim blaming. Fantastic. Just what this thread was short...
Are you a different Matlock to the one who only just posted:

2. Victims often decide to drop the charges, either because they want to work on the relationship or they are scared of the abuser, or sometimes both. Guards don't generally proceed if the victim won't co operate as without their main witness they are very unlikely to get a conviction.
Are you a different Matlock to the one who only just posted:

2. Victims often decide to drop the charges, either because they want to work on the relationship or they are scared of the abuser, or sometimes both. Guards don't generally proceed if the victim won't co operate as without their main witness they are very unlikely to get a conviction.
I didn't present it as a failing on the part of the victim...
Why do you keep trying to excuse the c*nts that are trying to blame ALL men for the misbehaviour of just some men? By extension, not alone are you blaming me and every other male poster on PROC, you're also blaming your husband. No harm you'd realise that.
Thankfully, I married a smart man, so I don't have to deal with this sort of bollockology from him. A fact that I am grateful for every day.

"Husband, do you think that having a discussion about gender based violence and what men can do to make women feel safer in public spaces means that you are being personally held responsible for all violence?"

"No, of course I don't. That's completely fucking idiotic. Are people being wrong on the internet again?"
Is the failure to convict someone guilty of domestic abuse a failing on the part of the Gardai or on the part of the legal system so?
It is a fact that domestic abuse is a complex issue, and that there are often myriad reasons why a victim does not pursue charges. It isn't a failure on the part of anyone apart from the person who decides to be abusive to another person.
No we saw that, and we saw where evidence was produced to you that in fact many people ARE saying all men, but of course you want to deny that FACT with your risible claim, which you've again repeated for the 1000 time that "no one is saying all men". You are wrong. There are plenty of people saying ALL men. They are even in the mainstream media. But you keep trying to pretend it's not happening when it is.
A tiny minority are in the media, no one here is saying it.

It is far from the most prevalent opinion out there, and the constant insistence by some on this forum on making it the most important issue in the context of what has happened in the last week is frankly bewildering.
It is a fact that domestic abuse is a complex issue, and that there are often myriad reasons why a victim does not pursue charges. It isn't a failure on the part of anyone apart from the person who decides to be abusive to another person.

Nice try at evasion there dear, but whose fault is it that there are relatively little convictions for domestic abuse (as I think it was Jimmy? raised). If it's not the Gardai and not the Legal System. You can check back and have a look at what you previously posted if you like. Take yer time :cool:
Nice try at evasion there dear, but whose fault is it that there are relatively little convictions for domestic abuse (as I think it was Jimmy? raised). If it's not the Gardai and not the Legal System. You can check back and have a look at what you previously posted if you like. Take yer time :cool:
You know I gave three reasons for that, right?

You are saying it is the victims fault for not pressing charges. If that's the view you want to take then fine. It's shitty in the extreme, but fine.

Also, I have asked you a number of times to stop calling me dear. It's creepy and annoying. Why do you insist on ignoring my wishes?
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