Philip mac carthy the fraud film director

The list is endless... I could end this guy's career.... power can be a dangerous thing.....
He's fucked that many people over ...maybe I will. Using people when there at their lowest point in their personal lives, taking advantage of the impoverished, so happy Al u doorknob keep defending that.
reading between the lines here ok.....

You are enjoying that power because its making you angry.

He has clearly, personally, fucked YOU over, has'nt he?

I wont go on..... Please breathe, calm down man.
Guess who I just saw on de north main street at half seven?

One day is all it took and I saw yer man. I was going to holler, say hello, ask if he has seen the page but thought better of it.
you sound like a snake with an agenda m8. putting about lies on the local talkpage about a hard grafting corkonion. doubt you are a dub either.
I'm wat ever the online world let's me. He's a toe rag nothing less. Loves feeding of the weak and down trodden. Yeah I do have an agenda is not obvious u dopey prick....
Revealing wat everyone really knows... He's as fake as a 6 pound note
Do You Believe In The Power Of Rock & Roll? - An Evening with John Robb
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

14th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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