T.Love - a Polish music band formed in 1982 in Cz?stochowa. At the beginning of his career, in the 1980s, he was influenced by punk rock, and over time also used the styles of reggae, rock and roll, glam rock and pop rock. Most of the group's albums achieved gold status, and the compilation: Love, Love, Love - The Very BesT.Love - received platinum status in 2012. During their career so far, the band has played concerts all over Europe, and also many times in the United States. In the second half of 2017, it suspended its operations. In 2022, the band resumed its activities.Today, T.Love are: Muniek Stasczyk , Jan P?czak (guitars), Maciej Majchrzak (guitarists), Sidney Polak (drummer), Pawe? Nazimek (bass player) and Micha? Marecki (keyboardist). The band has achieved commercial success, bringing many of their songs to the first places of musical charts.
T.Love - kultowy, polski zespó? powsta? na pocz?tku lat 80. Inspirowani punkiem i now? fal?, przenie?li na ówczesn? scen? muzyczn? wp?ywy takich zespo?ów, jak The Clash czy Sex
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