When did you stop using the word cousint

I would say I figured out that it was actually cousin at around the age of 8.
Probably used it off and on then for a year before I settled on cousin.

PointY what was the scene on the northside?
Similar enough I'd say.
I would say I figured out that it was actually cousin at around the age of 8.
Probably used it off and on then for a year before I settled on cousin.

PointY what was the scene on the northside?
Similar enough I'd say.

We still use it for the k******s lamps.

What about saying portugal lamps? This one divides a lot of fellas in work.

Some say Portugal and others say port-i - gal.
Peppa Pig's Fun Day Out
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

8th May 2024 @ 4:00 pm
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