The Action Plan for Housing.

A FG candidate has accused SF of performing a "Mary Lou turn" on housing, He said back in february MLMD promised
houses for 300k, Now O Broin has promised houses for 250k, No mention of the size of these houses or location,
A FG candidate has accused SF of performing a "Mary Lou turn" on housing, He said back in february MLMD promised
houses for 300k, Now O Broin has promised houses for 250k, No mention of the size of these houses or location,
Why shouldn't they aim for that?
You're telling me people would rather pay a 30 year mortgage on €400,000 than €250000.
It's Ireland.
Houses shouldn't be this expensive.
FG promised in 2011 to end homelessness by 2014.
Enda promised to end the scandal of those on trollies in hospitals.
How did abolishing the USC go?
Coveney promised in May 2017 there'd be nobody in emergency accommodation by July 2017.
Fatty O Brien claimed 32000 new builds was a record since records began.
2005-85,597 new builds
2006-88,419 new builds.
A FG candidate has accused SF of performing a "Mary Lou turn" on housing, He said back in february MLMD promised
houses for 300k, Now O Broin has promised houses for 250k,
No mention of the size of these houses or location,
Those figures are of course total nonsense.

Why politicians nail their colours to the mast on this nonsensical claim is a mystery to me.
Those figures are of course total nonsense.

Why politicians nail their colours to the mast on this nonsensical claim is a mystery to me.
So it's impossible for houses to be worth €250k in Ireland?
I'd rather my kids pay a mortgage of that size than double that ffs.
People who bought houses in the 70s,80s and the 90s will have them paid off.
It's only from the early noughties to 2008 and from 2015 to now that house prices have gone out of control.
This could easily be achieved.
Those figures are of course total nonsense.

Why politicians nail their colours to the mast on this nonsensical claim is a mystery to me.
What you're actually saying here is that people on modest incomes can forget about ever owning a home of their own.

Yet you balk at the thought of strengthening tenant rights so that longterm renting can be a viable option.

The game is rigged against young couples trying to buy their own home.

What you're actually saying here is that people on modest incomes can forget about ever owning a home of their own.

Yet you balk at the thought of strengthening tenant rights so that longterm renting can be a viable option.

The game is rigged against young couples trying to buy their own home.

No., I am specifically discussing the proposed build and delivery costs.

I am clearly saying that there is no way that you can provide a new home at those costs.

Spot on. For decades and decades people of all ages could afford homes. Yet now, thanks to FG, home ownership amongst young adults is at 32%. It was 68% when they took over. We also have the highest rents AND highest house prices in the history of the state. They genuinely couldn't have done worse if they were intentionally trying to destroy the housing market. It is completely broken. These politicians have destroyed lives.
What you're actually saying here is that people on modest incomes can forget about ever owning a home of their own.

Yet you balk at the thought of strengthening tenant rights so that longterm renting can be a viable option.

The game is rigged against young couples trying to buy their own home.

Excuse me,
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