Pubs reopening June 29th

He named one pub in Temple Bar which put 40c on EVERY draft product when Diageo announced their increase. Not only is 40c taking the piss, why increase the price of pints that they're still buying for the same price?
Why not?

A pub is a business, the same as every other business. The market and peoples feet will decide if they will pay that extra 40c or not. If people (tourists) wont they will quickly realise their mistake.. if they did, then happy days for the owner

The pub in Temple Bar will have cost multiples the pub at Store St did
The huge monolithic recorded music industry tried the same with music downloads and Spotify etc to keep their more expensive physical product going for years in huge stores but where are they now?

The same with physical banks on the main streets-all replaced by an app.

Any working links for a few pint streams?
A pint of Guinness in Arthur Maynes is now €6.30 apparently. My mate Dennis went in there when he got back from Amsterdam earlier in the week, he couldn't believe the prices.
I've reached the other end of it all Moe - I couldn't care less what a pint costs (within reason) as I don't drink very many of them, and if I am out its unlikely to be the skin full it would have been pre kids etc.

I had 3 pints on Sat night, that was it for last week. Chances are the week before I had none. This week the chances are I'll have 1 or 2 on Saturday because we have the kids back to the GAA club to celebrate something and I'll have a pint or 2 afterwards with others and watch a match before I wander home. I dont actually know how much a pint even is there, but I'd say its around €5.50-6.00

You used to be cool, Mange.

The state of this like.

What's wrong with being dying sick every Sunday and being afraid to check your mobile banking app?

Why not?

A pub is a business, the same as every other business. The market and peoples feet will decide if they will pay that extra 40c or not. If people (tourists) wont they will quickly realise their mistake.. if they did, then happy days for the owner

The pub in Temple Bar will have cost multiples the pub at Store St did

They're a business and they can do what they want, but it is pure greed and nothing less.

I read an article recently which said that the most expensive pubs in Dublin are still the busiest. The Temple Bar and Oliver St John Gogarty will always be busy regardless of their prices. They're ideal for yanks and Brits who just want Paddywhackery injected into their veins.

I couldn't give a fuck what they charge as it makes no difference to my life. But when you see fairly normal pubs in Store Street charging nearly €7 a pint, that makes me sad.
I was in my Dublin local yesterday for a pint. Hadn't been there in around a month so got some shock when they asked for €6.70 for a Guinness. This is a fairly inauspicious, working class pub in a shit part of Dublin (North side, near Busaras), so that price came as some shock.

The owner is a lovely man called Sean from Thurles, and he was very open about the challenges. He doesn't want to be charging those prices and said that people are either drinking less or else just not coming in at all. His pub used do a massive midweek after work trade, but he said that never came back after Covid, and things like an extra 20 pence on a pint are just making things worse.

He named one pub in Temple Bar which put 40c on EVERY draft product when Diageo announced their increase. Not only is 40c taking the piss, why increase the price of pints that they're still buying for the same price?
And won't that increase again in June when heineken inflict their gouging?? 🤔
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