P Diddys career goes BANG!

Responsible for the killing of Tupac and sent Usher to a hospital when he raped him as a minor is a hell of an alleged rapsheet.
a buddy reminded me of someone from boyzone having some sort of a call out with puff daddy. i imagine it was boyband hard man shane lynch.

the only reason he remembers it is because a tabloid ran the headline
“when puff daddy met tough paddy”

Remember when Jason Derulo was in Cork he got a sex party going in the tour bus with a load of Cork wans lol.
Apparently there was one young wan in there out of her depth and ran away to the guards after being attempted to be tag-teamed by a couple of big black dudes!
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Peppa Pig's Fun Day Out

Cork Opera House, Today @ 4pm

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