I Doonbeg Your Pardon

Dr. Aaoouh

Full Member
When Vice President Pence came to have a meeting and share a plate of sausages with Leo Varadkar in Dublin, Failing President Donald Trump suggested a local resort to stay at; his failing resort in Doonbeg. Pence is defending himself to Americans who are annoyed at this blatant corruption by saying 1) Trump "invited" him (but the taxpayers are paying the bill, which is sort of the point) and 2) there is no other place in Ireland large enough to host the VP and his entourage.

So my question is, is there a place in Cork that would have worked as well and which would have been closer to Dublin? Or is Trump's Doonbeg resort now the largest, most luxurious resort in Ireland?

(I can see Pence not wanting to stay in Dublin, which I hear from reliable sources is a Fucking Shithole).
Before Choon arrives and turns this thread into a Duck Dynasty meme, remember, Doonbeg applied for planning permission to build a sea wall to protect against rising sea levels due to global warming.
When Vice President Pence came to have a meeting and share a plate of sausages with Leo Varadkar in Dublin, Failing President Donald Trump suggested a local resort to stay at; his failing resort in Doonbeg. Pence is defending himself to Americans who are annoyed at this blatant corruption by saying 1) Trump "invited" him (but the taxpayers are paying the bill, which is sort of the point) and 2) there is no other place in Ireland large enough to host the VP and his entourage.

So my question is, is there a place in Cork that would have worked as well and which would have been closer to Dublin? Or is Trump's Doonbeg resort now the largest, most luxurious resort in Ireland?

(I can see Pence not wanting to stay in Dublin, which I hear from reliable sources is a Fucking Shithole).

Is it still failing? I know the loses were down last year but I thought they were projecting a profit this year. It always seems very busy any time I was there. Surprised at that really
Pence has now said that while the taxpayers will be paying for him and his staff, he himself will be paying for his mother and his wife. (It is thought. He refers to his wife as “mother”).
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