
Dr. Aaoouh

Full Member
That limp appendage hanging off the bottom of the United States known as Florida has recently enacted its so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law, forbidding any discussion of sex or gender issues (especially homosexuality) to students through the 12th grade. The idea seems to be based on the tried and true idea that if people under 18 are not exposed to something at school, there is no possibility that they will learn about it from any other source. (This was the logic of opposing sex education in school). In other words, if kids don’t hear about gays at school, they won’t become gay themselves. Stands to reason.

The great test case for this, of course, is Ireland. I have read that Ireland did not introduce sex education in schools until 1999. Before that time, there was no premarital sex in Ireland at all. I can remember when I first came to Ireland in 1986, at a time when one still had to elbow oneself into and out of mass on Sunday, that later at the pub I would surrounded by people in their twenties offering to buy me pints (knowing I was a Yank) if only I would reveal the secret of how babies are made. I always refused, telling them that they would simply have to wait and learn it from the priest at their wedding reception like everyone else.

People in the US who oppose the Florida law, which also requires libraries to purge hundreds of book from school libraries if Mr Bunny turns out to have two dads, are called “groomers” by the Right. The claim is that people opposing these laws are part of a massive gay agenda to recruit children into gayness, apparently to refresh the supply.

So I’m going to as you a question. I am posting here a photo of the late Liberace, famous pianist and gheyboy. Does looking at this photo make any of you want to dump the wife and join the other team? Sorry if it did.

You have been groomed.


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We are not American and except for a few utter nutjobs that should be lifted, we don't have the problem where maturity, circumspection, critical thought, let alone understanding and compassion, are not standard.

MTG advocates republicans when they win states, should mean dems leave and when dems win states, republicans leave - in a childish attempt at American Risk.

What is happening in Florida and Louisiana is Idiocracy in action.

Are we perfect? Absolutely not. But given the influence of the church is gone and our social model has been completely secularised, our society liberalised - I would say we by and large have the balance right, with maybe one exception.

Therefore no-one is answering yes to the question unless they are trolling.
That limp appendage hanging off the bottom of the United States known as Florida has recently enacted its so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law, forbidding any discussion of sex or gender issues (especially homosexuality) to students through the 12th grade. The idea seems to be based on the tried and true idea that if people under 18 are not exposed to something at school, there is no possibility that they will learn about it from any other source. (This was the logic of opposing sex education in school). In other words, if kids don’t hear about gays at school, they won’t become gay themselves. Stands to reason.

People in the US who oppose the Florida law, which also requires libraries to purge hundreds of book from school libraries if Mr Bunny turns out to have two dads, are called “groomers” by the Right. The claim is that people opposing these laws are part of a massive gay agenda to recruit children into gayness, apparently to refresh the supply.

So I’m going to as you a question. I am posting here a photo of the late Liberace, famous pianist and gheyboy. Does looking at this photo make any of you want to dump the wife and join the other team? Sorry if it did.

You have been groomed.
Distract people with all these daft woke/culture wars while people are being slaughtered on your streets and homes with guns or huge fentanyl drug epidemics.

Looking or listening to Liberace killed no one but the right always have to have "enemies" and they have to "other" minorities.

The U.S. is just focked.
Are we talking the same state where creationism is allowed to be taught at publicly funded schools the same time?

That should explain it all.

That limp appendage hanging off the bottom of the United States known as Florida has recently enacted its so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law, forbidding any discussion of sex or gender issues (especially homosexuality) to students through the 12th grade. The idea seems to be based on the tried and true idea that if people under 18 are not exposed to something at school, there is no possibility that they will learn about it from any other source. (This was the logic of opposing sex education in school). In other words, if kids don’t hear about gays at school, they won’t become gay themselves. Stands to reason.

The great test case for this, of course, is Ireland. I have read that Ireland did not introduce sex education in schools until 1999. Before that time, there was no premarital sex in Ireland at all. I can remember when I first came to Ireland in 1986, at a time when one still had to elbow oneself into and out of mass on Sunday, that later at the pub I would surrounded by people in their twenties offering to buy me pints (knowing I was a Yank) if only I would reveal the secret of how babies are made. I always refused, telling them that they would simply have to wait and learn it from the priest at their wedding reception like everyone else.

People in the US who oppose the Florida law, which also requires libraries to purge hundreds of book from school libraries if Mr Bunny turns out to have two dads, are called “groomers” by the Right. The claim is that people opposing these laws are part of a massive gay agenda to recruit children into gayness, apparently to refresh the supply.

So I’m going to as you a question. I am posting here a photo of the late Liberace, famous pianist and gheyboy. Does looking at this photo make any of you want to dump the wife and join the other team? Sorry if it did.

You have been groomed.
I don't think that I would like the whole in-out, in-out through the bumhole, but Liberace's housecoat is very fetching. Imagine wearing that into the old stand in Thurles on Munster final day.
Groomer ! Where's the groomer?

View attachment 21274
Are you suggesting that some liberal might be trying to turn your dog into a homosexual? :oops:

People frequently miss the warning signs with dogs. For example, if you enter the room and the dog starts humping your leg, it’s sort of cute. But if your same sex co-worker starts doing it, for some reason it’s a different thing altogether.
I know the doc thinks Florida wants to round up all the gays and put them in camps or something but in reality Florida just wants to put a stop to this batshit crazy beheviour in the pic below. (Full pic is available on the guys twitter account. I edited it here not to show anything. Its fucking horrific.)

Admin if your gonna ban me again can you log me out of here first so at least i can still lurk here off the books. I cant seem to log out of this place.
I know the doc thinks Florida wants to round up all the gays and put them in camps or something but in reality Florida just wants to put a stop to this batshit crazy beheviour in the pic below. (Full pic is available on the guys twitter account. I edited it here not to show anything. Its fucking horrific.)

Admin if your gonna ban me again can you log me out of here first so at least i can still lurk here off the books. I cant seem to log out of this place.
View attachment 21282
When the Incel says "I know" it's guaranteed that he doesn't. But here we are with some picture of some unknown person with an unknown context by an unknown blogger. Really Choon, get off the sauce. it's making you stupid.
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