Cork Hurlers - Part 2

I think it needs to be said and I think six days before the Limerick game is the perfect time to say it, even if all it does is makes the players more determined to prove him wrong.
I can't see the point of it to be honest, Cusack has form for being consistently negative towards Cork hurling on TV. I don't mind it tbh because I think he is a brutal pundit and just ignore what says. He is well aware of how an IC setup works and operates and will be aware of video analysis that is done by Pat Ryan and Co during the week highlighting these issues.
He had no reason to haul them over the coals tonight bar his own bitterness. I've 100% respect for him as a player and for what he achieved with Cork and for him highlighting LGBT issues in sport but proud Corkmen don't attack and vilify their own.
I don't like Dowling as a pundit but I do admire how he backs up his own, it's an amateur sport after all.
I love the way Landers is brought into it 😂😂😂

I doubt anyone takes that man seriously about anything...or at least they shouldn't hopefully.

Donal Og is playing the same media game. He tore the back off Nash about his penalties after Nash was his understudy for years...I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by what this guy can come out with.

He's on a TV show and they want ratings. I don't think it's any deeper than that.
Are you talking about Landers or Cusack here? Or both? 🤣
I can't see the point of it to be honest, Cusack has form for being consistently negative towards Cork hurling on TV. I don't mind it tbh because I think he is a brutal pundit and just ignore what says. He is well aware of how an IC setup works and operates and will be aware of video analysis that is done by Pat Ryan and Co during the week highlighting these issues.
He had no reason to haul them over the coals tonight bar his own bitterness. I've 100% respect for him as a player and for what he achieved with Cork and for him highlighting LGBT issues in sport but proud Corkmen don't attack and vilify their own.
I don't like Dowling as a pundit but I do admire how he backs up his own, it's an amateur sport after all.
Spot on
Sure he’d enjoy that 😜
I’m not a fan of Donal Og as a pundit but I find this place amazing sometimes.

People were jumping up and down about what was said yesterday about Cunningham (which was poor taste) but homophobic slurs towards Donal Og are fine.

If people disagree or have a problem with what he says that’s fine but I don’t think there’s any need for this kind of stuff tbh
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