Street Art Collections


† Located just off Pope's Quay on Wutherlings Lane (steps bring you up to Shandon and Firkin Crane) this piece is an absolute classic. Thoroughly reflective of the political scene in Northern Ireland at the moment 'shots' have been replaced by 'shouts'. All the spin doctors in West Belfast could not have come up with something as apt as the IRA becomes more and more keen to emphasise it's commitment to the peace process. Strangely an employee from one of Ireland's most popular supermarket chains 'Spar' has felt that fellow employees have been left out of the process.


Slightly spoiled by Mikado biscuits but located only a few feet from the last piece on Wutherlings Lane the artist's use of the 'h' in 'Briths' represents the softening attitude of the IRA as it changes tactic from the bomb to the beak. If you say it yourself you'll find yourself lisping. One could hardly imagine the IRA having senior commanders on it's Ard Comhairle shouting orders with siliva drenching lisps ten years ago. Times they are a changing. One can only assume that Mr. Mikado did not approve of the colour used to write these 'republican slogans'.

We had to include this gem that we found on Knapp's Square. Knapp's Square (not even a square) is a little street located directly opposite the side of the Opera House on the opposite quay. What struck us was that somebody had to crouch down on their knees to do it although it might be fair to suggest from the bottle of Dawn Milk and from the type of street we are talking about that the person may have been located in that horizontal position anyway when this pearl of witticism dawned.
Watch out for the Mayfield and Band Stand collections coming soon. If you know of any free art collections on display near you send us an e-mail and our experts will come and look at it and see if it qualifies to be brought to the attention of the world.
