Recent content by chakotha

  1. C

    The English Market appreciation thread

    Tim O'Sullivan's has been closed for a while. It looks permanent but I don't know.
  2. C

    The English Market appreciation thread

    Bresnans Butchers to close. Great butchers. I didn't know they farmed their own produce.
  3. C

    What TV Series Are You Watching Now?

    Power on Netflix, quite good.
  4. C

    The English Market appreciation thread

    What ever happened to Best Meats, where the olive stall is now? Did they move or are they finito.
  5. C

    Best/Worst Sopranos character?

    And Paulie after Tony
  6. C

    Best/Worst Sopranos character?

    Best: Apart from Tony, Johnny Sac and Bobby Baccalieri sr Worst: AJ
  7. C

    Stuff that grinds your gears

    Brown rice. If I want fibre I will find it elsewhere rather than having to chew every grain of this and spit out the odd one that feels like it is made out of tree bark or metal. No.
  8. C

    CSN Halcyon Days.

  9. C

    CSN Halcyon Days.

    I thought Crosby, Stills and Nash
  10. C

    The unpopular opinion thread.

    South Park is rubbish
  11. C

    Stuff that grinds your gears

    Jack White and White Stripes. I thought and still think I have a good ear, that is toss. What am I missing with this. Sure musicians love it but I don't play it. Is he good? Utter crap Jack mon
  12. C

    What TV Series Are You Watching Now?

    Ozark season 3 ep 10. I picked it up there mid season 2 after dropping it for a while. It's OK but a bit by-numbers. It's missing something or maybe that's a jaded opinion. Lot's of Netflix shows are like that. Have to see out season 4 now.
  13. C

    What are you listening to right now???

  14. C

    What are you listening to right now???

  15. C

    What are you listening to right now???
