Labour Party Poster Spotted in Cork

It is alleged that a Labour party poster has been spotted in Cork North Central constituency over a week before the general election.

Although photographs of rare posters on lampposts have previously appeared online they were later revealed to be photoshopped by the labour party’s last remaining Cork member who learned to use the software whilst on a Jobsbridge placement scheme.

The poster was seen in the Farranree area and featured the head of sitting Labour TD Kathleen Lynch.

“I thought I was hallucinating when I saw it”, said Dredge Murphy (41) a full time look-out for a local family who never did anything wrong, “but I never takes the stuff I sell”.

“I done a photo of it on me phone and showed it to the auld doll when I went home. We couldn’t believe it!”

Within a few hours the poster was removed by charity workers, boiled in a large pot and will used to feed a family of six for a week.

Mrs. Lynch is said to be angry at the poster’s removal and is currently composing a statement for a press conference that doesn’t involve any words beginning with ‘th’. 
