Henrys Flyer Gallery

Henrys Flyer Gallery
Whether you were a staunch Henrys loyalist and pinned every flyer up on your wall or whether you picked them up because they were handy for roaches, the trees of the rain forests around the world can breath a sigh of relief as Henrys declares its doors to be permenantly shit....sorry shut. Approximately 12 billion trees were felled specifically for Henrys flyers in 1996 alone enabling Henrys to rival Flor Griffin (and its control of 96FM) as the most dominant brand name in Cork City. Sadly it is Flor and not Henry who has the upper hand these days but his efforts won't have been in vain.....as always click on each one for a lamp at the bigger version.


Your Holidays At Henrys?  
 Below is the flyer Sir Henrys used for their 1996 August weekender which featured Nick Holder, David Holmes, Mickey Barry, Kenny Hawkes, Kevin MacKay, Justin Robertson, Mark Kavanagh, Johnny Moy alongside residents Greg Dowling , Shane Johnson, Alan O'Keeffe and Stevie G.
  Corkonians are well known for being able to laugh at themselves (not that there's anything that any other county could put up but when an establishment such as Henrys can follow the trend it must surely be applauded. Lamp : "facilities are modern and of the highest standard"....ahhh yes legendary indeed!

Mixed up amongst the flyers Stevie sent to us was this picture of early nineties rap star Vanilla Ice pasted onto a Sir Henrys staff pass.This was used by Steve back around 1993 when he impersonated the Canadian rapper to win a slot at the club. Management still believe that Steve was the real Vanilla Ice but who wished to stay away from the limelight back home by using a secret identity her in the Republic.
 And you're probably asking what ever happened to poor aul Vanilla Ice? Well, believe it or not he is still touring the states on the back of his chart topping single Ice Ice Baby and album To The Extreme. He has a new album out Skabz and Tha System which is based on the traditional but interestingly weird hip-hop philosophy of "keeping it real".

Click here for Vanilla's latest gigs and shout outs!
