Cork 2005 Annouce First Projects


As a Corkonian it is important you are fully aware of the movements and plans for Cork 2005. It was obviously no surprise that Cork was chosen above the other cities in the country and the fact that the Capital Of Culture will not be endowed on any city in the Irish Republic for another 25 years makes it even more frustrating for the inferior cities who lost out. It is unclear if Cork will be eligible again when it rejoins the EU as a separate independent nation although we'll probably do such a good job we'll be invited again within a few years.

Anyway this afternoon the director of Cork 2005 John Kennedy revealed the first projects from a total of 98 to be approved. Lamp:


Top of the list is a project initiated by Cork City FC manager Pat Dolan . The aim is to pioneer a pre-season invitational soccer tournament with teams drawn from previous Capitals of Culture or cities that have been designated for future.
This could see the likes of Liverpool, Real Madrid, Genoa, Fiorentina, Lille and Sporting Lisbon participating in a festival like event - the first of which will take place in Cork. Asked where the games should be played John Kennedy quickly remarked that they "should be played at the home of soccer in Cork". A good omen for the future of Turner's Cross.

The other highlight of Kennedy's announcement was the fact that a TV channel will be set in time for 2005 to broadcast "locally produced community focussed content" to langers in the city and county. The perfect solution to national stations saturated in Dublinised content. Although Kennedy can't say whether the station will live on beyond 2005 its clear that he intends to work it so it does. "Although this is a pilot programme we will assist in the development of a longer term community television channel."

Other projects announced today were:

The development of a major multimedia documentary on the people of Cork to be made over an 18-month period by Harvest Films. It will result in television content, a photographic book, public exhibitions and screenings in the city, a CD of Cork music, story and song, an educational DVD and an archive of 200 hours of Cork interviews

Get yer aul ladies out for this one: a knitted map of Cork based on a pattern generated from a Satellite photograph of the city. 50 people will knit at a time knitting every day of the year for the entire duration of 2005! The aim is to produce the world's biggest hand made garment......PRC estimates this will save Corkonians up to 50% on the winter heating bill when the garment is cast over the city for the cold December nights.

In case you were somebody who thought Cork2005 was being run a few nasal sounding mickey mouse D·il backbenchers or some ultra laid back public "servant" you'd want to lamp the mad profile up on this feen.

 His earlier years were spent as a Lighting Designer, working with Rory Gallgher, Moving Hearts, Planxty and later recordings with The Waterboys. After that not only did he work as U2's tour manager from 1980 until the end of the Pop Mart tour in 98 but he was also Head of Operations at Woodstock 1994 and 1999! That was all after getting himself an MBA from the Smurfit Graduate School Of Business in UCD so he would also be accepted by Hubert Hobknob Richardson down at the Royal Cork Yacht Club in Crossers.

 He's been doing loads of high profile bits and pieces since then including TV, film and recording projects for the BBC, providing management for big scale events such as The Millennium Celebrations in Stockholm, Sweden, Expo 2000 etc.

 Basically if Kennedy can't make Cork2005 work there are few who'll be able to claim they could have done a better job.

Speaking of which the Cork2005 have already made it abundantly clear that it is langers like you who will dictate what happens in 2005 by submitting your ideas. All the ideas released today were submitted by ordinary citizens of both county and city. Cork2005 is an independent company completely unattached to City or County Hall. John Kennedy pointed out that they are not responsible for things like the main drainage so there's no point submitting ideas that involve trying to get the potholes outside your gaf filled in. They are looking for ideas for events big and small, wonderful and weird. The deadline for new ideas is this September so close your eyes, start thinking and keep your hands where we can see them. Cork's reputation is at stake.
