yellow, orange, red alert thread

Just mentioning what a gorgeous night it was lol

Anyway, is this another weather warning that will turn out to be a dud for us in the sunny south. Should I throw a v neck jumper over my T- shirt when walking the dogs?

Lots of wusses on here trying to get a day off from work again like 😂
I just want to reply to this Feds because that may be the post that may make you IOTY.
Storm Eowyn?
Hope the next storm is called storm Tyrion or storm Cersei.
You're not far wrong

Floris up next who I think Is in a song of Ice and Fire

Edit, She's a Baratheon

This Is Elvis - Ben Portsmouth
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

13th May 2025 @ 8:00 pm
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Emilia Prez (15A)

Triskel Arts Centre, Today @ 5pm

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