Is there one scrap of medical evidence other than your opnion to support any of these deaths you are seeing are connected to the vaccine?
Small sample, guess work and not a scrap of evidence more than likely.
However it is hard to have any evidence if those who can investigate are not looking for it. Look at the case of Roy Butler, age 23 ex Waterford Utd Captain, took the J&J vaccine, immediately felt unwell. Died 5 days later -
This is not considered a vaccine death. Still falls under the category of no evidence.
Now consider what constituted a covid death. Get covid, recover, get hit by a bus with in 28 days, Covid death. Terminal cancer, happen to have covid, Covid death.
The body of evidence for a covid death and vaccine death are on different planets. Why?
We never heard about Roy Butler on the news?
Just imagine if a 23 year old athlete died of Covid what would we have heard then? Front page news for weeks, Covid is taking our fittest and strongest, we are doomed..
We have never so much as heard from a vaccine injured person on RTE, why? There are plenty of them. It happens, even if the vaccine did more good that harm, vaccine injuries happen, why won't the establishment acknowledge it?
Is it because they pushed a vaccine on people that didn't need it under the false narrative that it blocked transmission. Roy Butler didn't need it. He was forced to take it to go on holidays and now he is dead. Healthy 12 / 13 year olds were forced to take it to go to discos or the cinema or the school of music, there was no benefit in them taking it, it was virtually all risk.
There is a possibility the vaccine is linked to excess deaths for sure but it is not certain. Most highly vaccinated countries have high excess death rates, but it is not consistent. There are countries that seem to buck the trend or at least be not as severely affected.
The question is why are we not investigating excess deaths that are off the chats as a matter of priority? Why are we not discussing it openly on RTE? Fear that the population will hear about the likes of Roy Butler RIP maybe? I can't can't think of another reason can you?