what book you reading at the moment? (incl poll)

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The White Book- Han Kang

As much poetry as prose. It deals with the author's grief at the death of her new born sister. Not a barrel of laughs, obviously, but beautifully written.
Eventually finished Ladivine, by Marie Ndiaye. Translated from the French. A curious novel, very interesting if you stick with it. I found the middle part a struggle but glad I kept going. Quite cryptic. The way she changes focus from one protagonist to another is well done.
Just Finished "the Magicians" by Lev Grossman

Good book..I was looking for some entertainment after a few heavier ones and this did the Job nicely.

It's basically sold as Harry Potter with Riding but that doesn't do it justice at all. There is a TV show of it somewhere but I hadn't watched it.

The premise is familiar. A nerdy young loner who obsesses about a fantasy series for kids, basically the Narnia books, but cleverly rebranded here as "Fillory" ends up in a school for Magicians. Real magic, not Paul Daniels.

it's a bit meta but the author knocks serious craic out of it, all the Magicians have basically access to untapped power and wealth and act somewhere between spoiled children and complete degenerates. They go on a half baked D&D style adventure and get hammered by their hubris. Lots of anthropomorphic animals acting the bollocks and the like. I found the whole thing funny and entertaining.

It's a trilogy so will get to the others later in the year.

An Entertaining one.
Also, having kill squads that go out and kill addicts/users who are surrendering and no threat to life is a crime against humanity. And telling them they only get paid for kills.

Christ almighty, that's some sick sick shit.

This isn't killing Escobar or anything like it. It's killing members of the community who should be helped not shunned.

I don't know yet but I hope Duerte is in jail for what he did. I'd doubt it mind.
i was listening to dan carlin a while back (can’t remember which episode) but he was on about the nazis and the countries and regions that came onside with them. yugoslavia had only been created a few decades earlier and there were a few tribes who didn’t get along with each other.

anyway, the croats decided to go all in and took up nazi policy with gusto but instead of hunting and killing jews they used it as a score settling policy against the serbs who were more aligned with russia. i can’t remember the exact figure but it was something like three serbs murdered to one jew.

giving carte blanche to policies is frightening, especially in a law and order sense. no doubt neighbours got vengeance under duerte in the premise of being junkies.

it sounds like a very interesting read. i’ll check it out.
Just about to finish this;


Absolutely brilliant - there's a few points where I took issue with McNab's writing style - but overall, an excellent read.

It is astounding how gullible and innocent (and sometimes thick) The Beatles and most of the people ostensibly meant to be looking after them were. No wonder they fell prey to vultures left, right and centre.

Next up;

Finished The Keep about an evil monster residing in a Keep that has been occupied by Nazis. Saw the film before this but my bro got me onto this and it was great 8/10.
reading this https://lrb-bookshop-production.s3....es/3/6/6/8/3628663-1-eng-GB/9781913368456.jpg

side by side with this https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91U1ds-B7NS._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg

and i’m genuinely convinced that we shouldn’t have been left leave the union in the manner we did. women were thrown to the wolves soon after despite the fact they achieved suffrage earlier than most other countries.

nearly everyone knows the story of mother and baby homes at this point but every now and again something will pop up in a book and absolutely shake you because it’s new to you.

the partition book is very interesting because it’s written by a tan who actually says “we were never taught this in school”. tbf to him, he’s well versed in the whole anglo irish debacle. some of the stuff i found in the book was fascinating because by the same fact we weren’t taught about any of the parliamentary and political horse trading that went on back then.
i was listening to dan carlin a while back (can’t remember which episode) but he was on about the nazis and the countries and regions that came onside with them. yugoslavia had only been created a few decades earlier and there were a few tribes who didn’t get along with each other.

anyway, the croats decided to go all in and took up nazi policy with gusto but instead of hunting and killing jews they used it as a score settling policy against the serbs who were more aligned with russia. i can’t remember the exact figure but it was something like three serbs murdered to one jew.

giving carte blanche to policies is frightening, especially in a law and order sense. no doubt neighbours got vengeance under duerte in the premise of being junkies.

it sounds like a very interesting read. i’ll check it out.
Yeah, the Ustasi. Utterly horrifying.

Albania had an awful dictator too, every bit as bad as Stalin or Hitler, Enver Hoxa.

I'd say that Eastern Europe is full of these little known brutal bastards.
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