The Official IOTY 2019 Nominations Thread

Agreed, both disgraced themselves last night and showed they are incapable of running a fair poll.

Ten clean votes.

6.Doc Aooouh
7. Matlock
8. FishY
9. Conan
10. Drucker

Thats my official count

We have our 10 idiots.

Time to start the poll.
No. Stop this farce.

Every year your attempts to stop your own nomination gets more and more pathetic

You're also winning the runoff poll you yourself set up...

Fishy puberty blockers comment was nominated and seconded yet both you and him ignored that one. And don't agree with his liam2me defence of only wumming
Fishy puberty blockers comment was nominated and seconded yet both you and him ignored that one. And don't agree with his liam2me defence of only wumming

I was happy to put fish on the poll. Fishy was happy to go on the poll. Dan was the one who vetoed it because he thought it would put him under pressure to agree to his name being put on the poll.

Now he is trying to reverse that in order to keep himself off the poll.

It's an abuse of process.
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6th Oct 2024 @ 2:00 pm
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