The next Government

Who will form the next government

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Lorraine 'Pikey' Clifford-Lee was given a Seanad seat by MM today. She is an abject political failure, with low electoral prospects, and a not-very-nice person, to put it mildly. So, why MM's largesse? Could it be that her husband is the editor of the Irish Daily Mail? MM would never be that cynical, would he?
Lorraine 'Pikey' Clifford-Lee was given a Seanad seat by MM today. She is an abject political failure, with low electoral prospects, and a not-very-nice person, to put it mildly. So, why MM's largesse? Could it be that her husband is the editor of the Irish Daily Mail? MM would never be that cynical, would he?
The Seanad, where continuous failure is continuously rewarded.
I’d love to be a member of the Seanad. 5 years doing fuck all, very handy expenses and with any luck you’d get appointed to some state board too.
Bay City Rollers
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

16th Feb 2025 @ 8:00 pm
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Valentine's Day Stand-up Comedy

The Roundy, Today @ 8:30pm

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