The next Government

Who will form the next government

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FF/FG/Green coalition handed the opposition ball fully to S.F. and they simply could capitalise on it and then they just kept tripping themselves up or flip-flopping on policy while Simon Harris got lucky and he has fallen upwards.
You could also argue that the last GE campaign showed that the campaign is what people really pay attention to and that if SF have a strong campaign the mistakes of the past 2 years will be forgotten.
No one is 'confused about immigration' as it's applied now in a political context.

Its obvious to anyone.

It's only government mouthpieces who start rattling on about doctors and nurses when people are questioning the Greens disastrous and universally unpopular policy of 'integration'.
Just as well I didn’t mention doctors or nurses then.
The election will be fought mainly on the economy, like it or not, most people look at their own situation and if they are doing well they wont rock the boat,
Like all elections it is all about the economy and any "feel good" factor in the country.

No one apart from Blight + Pepper etc are getting up every single morning raging about "immigration" as people have enough to be doing rather than listening to and getting taken in by low I.Q. cranks talking nonsense about asylum seekers.

Without a strong economy you can do nothing anyway especially deal with housing, health, attract workers, house workers and especially those legal immigrants who come here to do jobs that the Irish simply refuse to do.
Yup. The electorate are played like fools at every election and we fall for it every time.
An extra tenner a week will mean fock all to the rich.

Those on lower pay do not pay much tax anyway and they need the most support.

Those on higher pay have more than enough as you can see by all the new cars etc on the road.

Scrap pointless tax reductions for the higher paid and put it all into social housing, health and education supports, infrastructure etc for the lower paid and deprived communities so that down the line we might get a better society for all.

Time to be socially responsible for once.
Rob Lamberti - A Celebration of George Michael
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

9th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Dwyers Of Cork, Today @ 10pm

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