Complus mentosAre you homeless?
Overpowered physically by a wan were you?
Didn't feel like ya had the power to stop her?
My hole you were forced.
Admitted yourself that you didn't give a f**k at the time so that in itself is consent.
"I'm not in the mood but shure f**k it I may as well" hardly qualifies as being coerced into anything.
Reckon it's probable that anyone giving you a bed for the night was not entirely "complus mentos"
Why is it so f**kin difficult for ya thickos to understand that most girls probably don't really want to f**k ya on a pissed up night out?
Deep down ya know that's the case, right?
That's why there's all this railing against the notion of having to be sure there's consent.
It got auto corrected into a sweet! Just don’t mix IT with coke