TheOutdoorThreadmill said:
She brought a civil case against him for rape that she knew didn't happen,
she lied, just like he lied.
TheOutdoorThreadmill said:
She accused some one of raping her that was cleared,
she made a false statement.
Anyways, clearly this is an emotive subject for you so we will agree to disagree.
TheOutdoorThreadmill said:
She remembers what happened with McGregor. She never brought a complaint against Lawerence to the Gardai. She knew there was no dna evidence from Lawrence. Is it normal to accuse people of rape because you have no recollection j
ust because some one else said you did?
If I wasn't 100% certain something happened, I certainly wouldn't be accusing anyone.
TheOutdoorThreadmill said:
Look I'm delighted McGregor got what was coming to him but the fact you can bring a case against some for rape that you know that didn't do it stinks.
You made a point earlier this week about the fact that women don't come forward because of people not believing them
and I agreed with but now you have someone bringing a case against someone and it never happened.
the facts of this case are simple
Nikita hand was raped violently by Conor McGregor
Lawrence was having sex with the other woman while this was going on
Nikita hand, despite her real fear of McGregor due to his wealth and connections , reported the rape to the guards
the DPP let her down badly through cowardice , that's pretty clear at this point. Instead of taking the case and exposing Lawrence as a liar involved in a conspiracy to get McGregor off they reneged on their duty.
However, they reckoned without Ms Hands courage. She knew what she was facing yet she was determined to get justice for herself.
This relentless campaign of yours to paint her as a liar is shameful.
MacGregor raped her
Lawrence and Kealy lied on behalf of McGregor. Its obvious why they did that. The campaign of abuse and violence against Nikita hand was real and it wasn't the first time that a person was paid off and intimidated by McGregor and his cohort of fan boy thugs.
Lawrence claimed he had sex with Nikita hand in order to create an impression that she was lying.
you, you fucking eejit , wanted her to go in to court claiming that McGregor raped her but not claim against Lawrence who was claiming he had sex with her.
If he is telling the truth then the fact that she had no recollection of that means that his claims could only have happened if she was too drunk or drugged to give consent and it also turned him into a defendant rather than simply a witness. It would be open to the defence then to try to influence the jury by pointing out that she was only suing the millionaire but not the stooge .
when they went in front of the jury they were exposed as the grotesque liars they are.
the judges findings on costs are further vindications of this courageous young woman.
he gave a ruling that nails McGregor and also fucked over any attempt by Lawrence to reclaim costs in a further case by ruling very clearly on it. The basis of his ruling was that Lawrence put himself in the frame for rape , was exposed as a liar, and he was not going to allow that scumba behaviour to hurt Nikita hand