Stuff that grinds your gears

Work Xmas parties are painful at the best of times. People get outrageously drunk on free drink and subject you to hours of talking shite. I’d rather have a few in my own to be honest.
I did consider just going to the dinner part and then leaving but said fuck it just won't bother with it at all this year
I did consider just going to the dinner part and then leaving but said fuck it just won't bother with it at all this year
They’re grand if you’ve one or two people you can cling on to for the night and it’s a handy excuse to leave when one of the group wants to go.
I think you should make the effort. You'll probably feel better for going. You can always leg it if it's wrecking your head.
I second this. And you don’t need to tell anyone you’re leaving either. I usually say I’m heading for the jacks and never come back. Slip out the door and off home. No drama.
The High Kings
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

2nd Feb 2025 @ 8:00 pm
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Tony O Donovan

Dwyers Of Cork, Today @ 9:30pm

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