Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Have seen posts from fellas saying the apple money should go into a reunification fund! I know fellas born and bred in cork who refer to the irish govt as free staters.
Yes, they're off the wall nuts. I wonder is there some website only they have access to, because there appears to be a complete groupthink going on. They all use the same buzzwords and can't bear to say Republic of Ireland.
You're so on the money, literally.

I've seen loads of shinners online expecting us to pick up the tab, "as it's the least we could do for leaving them behind" ! Apparently us being unwilling to pay extra tax to pay for their ingenious fuck up, is "unpatriotic". I've even see one of the Shinner Border Poll fronts demanding we use both the Apple 13bn AND our new Sovereign Wealth Fund to equalise the north !
They can go and piss off, the crowd than run their organisation are the exact same people that made shit of the place.
SF delivering a copy of their housing plan to every house, They have availed of the printers in Leinster house at a cost
of 25k To the tax payer, No rules have been broken under Dail rules,
This thread is pointless since SoundY was disappeared tbh.

It's just a non stop Shinner bashing circlejerk
Where is Soundy? I don't be here on a regular basis anymore. In fact, speaking of Shinners, where ever did Muintir ,ahem, disappear to? I miss his rants telling people to get up the yard while at the same time being in such a rage that he was a whisper away from admitting some dastardly deed he committed in the name of Ireland.
Mark Lyndon
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

16th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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