You must be on the wind, but regardless..Why a fucking Month. Why are we all forced to celebrate it
Disabled people's Month
Armed forces, emergency services Month
Oap's Month
Special needs Month
Carers Month
Children's Month
Irish language Month
Etc etc etc.
Sorry i am sorry all hail or LGTBQTTTT God. I am just a Terf Pagan Dog.
It doesn't need to be a month for any particular reason, it shouldn't need to exist at all but it is required because of the neanderthal approach to gay people until relatively recently in our history. You will point to the fact that they can now co-exist in society so why the need to have parades etc., but thats not entirely true.. we have made massive steps but still plenty of dissenters out there, the only difference is that most realise society doesn't want to hear their flat earth shit any more
I have a friend who has still not managed to tell his elderly parents he is gay. He is from a rural background living in Dublin so that he can get on with his life. He's highly successful in his profession, smart fella and a relationship for about 25 years.. but he still does not believe his parents will be able to accept him for what he is because of the societal pressure they perceive they would be under.
I have another friend who left Cork for the US as his family told him they couldn't accept it.
And one last acquaintance who is in his 60's and has explained the journey he has been through in life.. simply to be accepted for what he is. In his time being gay has been illegal, a sin, unacceptable societally, something to be beaten up for, bit by bit became more acceptable, and finally allowable to marry. He is as gay as christmas and outwardly so to the point it can be OTT.. but who the fuck is to tell this guy that for the last 20 or 30 years of his life he cant express himself as he sees fit given he has suffered horribly for the majority of it?
Theres 3 reasons, live and let live, and maybe people still struggling with it all might be helped out of their shells that month when they witness the visible acceptance of it all