Ru's meat grinding is mind boggling.
Sign on bonus for the Ru Army is now €20K - the average life expectancy for a Ru grunt in action is about 2 weeks.
They are losing c 1500 dead/injured per month.
That's costing them about €50k each including sign on bonus, Death Benefits, Medical Expenses, Widows pensions etc.
$70 M per month and rising for man power losses. Our average industrial wage is over 7 times that of Ru. Putin has to save face by rebuilding the annexed territories - it's a financial nightmare - even with his iron grip on everything, he'll be lucky to survive long
So that cost in manpower is equivalent to c $500M per month, in our terms. The cost of ammo and man power from Rocketman and the Ayatollah is astronomical. It'll take decades for Ru to recover especially as sanctions won't be relaxed.
Putin is screwed in every way and he'll probably overplay his hand with Trump. However, there will be some adults in they room when a plan is formulated for Trump. Rubio, Kellog etc will see the issues here.