Full Member
No idea about the second bit but I'd fully believe it.
I expect it's 100% true though.
This business about shipping it to China or Malaysia as you say is a joke.
I'd much rather a Waste to Energy Incinerator in the harbour that can be controlled and monitored than the piece of mind that comes with landing out shit on some island in the south Pacific so some fella can put a match to it.
Maybe that way there would be incentive to stop it at source
Well theres money in recycling cans but a huge % of plastics just go in landfill or incinerator.
I read there only 9% of global plastics are recycled so if they're filling rivers with plastics in India is there really much point of Mary in Terenure washing the labels off her tin cans?
In fact damage to the environment through chemical recycling plastics in terms of emissions, energy consumption, and water utilization surpasses the impact of landfill or incineration.
Any kind of looking under the bonnet on this subject makes for depressing reading.
As far as I can make out there is negligible if any positive aspect to people putting their plasitc bottles in these machines.