Rate the last Documentary film that you saw

Frontline S42E15 China, the US and the Rise of Xi Jinping.

Nearly 2 hours long. Before seeing this, what I knew about the Chinese premier would have filled all of a few sentences. I know now that he's a Maoist, a die-hard red communist who was a local politician who hit the big time. He's a dangerous dude who's hard to judge, but known as being ruthless. A top US military official thinks he'll invade Taiwan in 2025 but, in general, it's thought more likely to be 2027. Biden has, on four occasions, publicly said that if this happens the US will get directly involved, even though there's no written agreement between Taiwan and the US regarding defense. A very interesting documentary if they're your thing.

PBS Valley of Hope, The Armenian Journey from Terror to Triumph.

Nearly 2 hours also. I worked with an Armenian woman for a few years who was born at the base of Mt. Ararat where Noah's Ark is supposed to have landed (depending on who you ask). Mt. Ararat is now in Turkey, not that it moved or anything, just Turkey did. I was told of the Armenian history of the past 150 years, they were used to Turkish massacres but genocide was a new level. Over half of the population is estimated to have been exterminated. This documentary is a series of interviews with successful Armenians whose grandparents had managed to flee to America. I have a number of problems with it: It only interviews successful US business people of Armenian extraction and it's a talking heads programme with some blurry B&W photos thrown in. 2 hours of talking heads is a bit visually dreary although the stories they told were horrific. One described his grandfather watching at gunpoint while men dug a huge grave. Then they were pushed in and the others had to shovel dirt on top of them. Buried alive. He described watching the earth move for a while before it stopped.

My former work colleague claims that Yerevan is the cocktail capital of the world. At the weekend the young people dress up in their bling and get hammered on spirit mixtures in the glitzy bars and clubs of the capital.
Frontline S42E15 China, the US and the Rise of Xi Jinping.

Nearly 2 hours long. Before seeing this, what I knew about the Chinese premier would have filled all of a few sentences. I know now that he's a Maoist, a die-hard red communist who was a local politician who hit the big time. He's a dangerous dude who's hard to judge, but known as being ruthless. A top US military official thinks he'll invade Taiwan in 2025 but, in general, it's thought more likely to be 2027. Biden has, on four occasions, publicly said that if this happens the US will get directly involved, even though there's no written agreement between Taiwan and the US regarding defense. A very interesting documentary if they're your thing.

PBS Valley of Hope, The Armenian Journey from Terror to Triumph.

Nearly 2 hours also. I worked with an Armenian woman for a few years who was born at the base of Mt. Ararat where Noah's Ark is supposed to have landed (depending on who you ask). Mt. Ararat is now in Turkey, not that it moved or anything, just Turkey did. I was told of the Armenian history of the past 150 years, they were used to Turkish massacres but genocide was a new level. Over half of the population is estimated to have been exterminated. This documentary is a series of interviews with successful Armenians whose grandparents had managed to flee to America. I have a number of problems with it: It only interviews successful US business people of Armenian extraction and it's a talking heads programme with some blurry B&W photos thrown in. 2 hours of talking heads is a bit visually dreary although the stories they told were horrific. One described his grandfather watching at gunpoint while men dug a huge grave. Then they were pushed in and the others had to shovel dirt on top of them. Buried alive. He described watching the earth move for a while before it stopped.

My former work colleague claims that Yerevan is the cocktail capital of the world. At the weekend the young people dress up in their bling and get hammered on spirit mixtures in the glitzy bars and clubs of the capital.
The first one about China sounds interesting, where can you find that?
Killian Sundermann EXTRA DATE
City Limits, Coburg St.

3rd May 2025 @ 8:00 pm
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Triskel Arts Centre, Tomorrow @ 11am

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