OFFICIAL Official IOTY Award 2019

The only involvement you'll have in IOTY #2019 is as one of the favourites to win the ultimate prize.


I've already been nominated and seconded as one of the shortlist of 10 from which three Jew Dictators will be selected.

As for being a favourite to win the ultimate prize, that could well be the case, because unlike the North Koreans OTY site, everybody, including the Jew Dictators are open to being nominated and seconded to the list.

Check the rules :)
OK boys and girls. Time to get this baby up and running.

There have been a couple of doozies posted by one of the usual suspects but this time the award is open to all - including the JewDictators
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
More info..

Michelle O' Dwyer

Arty's Bar, Today @ 9pm

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