loyalist paramilitaries

following yesterdays assessment of paramilitary groups, it is only fair
and balanced to point out that loyalist groups still exist and there is evidence
of them still recruiting, Vincent browne pointed this out last night, but nobody
else seems to be talking about this,
Are the political wing of Loyalist paramiliataries seeking public office in the Republic ?

why did I know that would be asked? so is it ok for loyalist paramilitaries
to exist and recruit just because they are not seeking election down south?
no paramilitary group should exist full stop,
why did I know that would be asked? so is it ok for loyalist paramilitaries
to exist and recruit just because they are not seeking election down south?
no paramilitary group should exist full stop,


But for some reason they do. (crime and control)

I could not care less about Loyalist fruitloops but I do care about SF/IRA links to murder and criminality seeking public office and all overseen by some mercurial mysterious "army council" and having access to weapons.

Saddam Hussein and Iraq was bombed back into the stone age for less.
The crisis in the Executive in the North is caused by people with no electoral mandate in Ireland, a violent group that targets the vulnerable. It's called the British Tory government.
Their underfunding of the structures established under the Good Friday Agreement and their determination to impose savage welfare cuts are the real issues, compounded by vicious rivalries within Unionism.
All the bally-hoo about the IRA is just that - pure propaganda now being shamelessly used South of the Border by FF, FG and Labour to try to damage Sinn Féin in advance of the General Election. And those three parties share the austerity agenda of the British Tories.

But for some reason they do. (crime and control)

I could not care less about Loyalist fruitloops but I do care about SF/IRA links to murder and criminality seeking public office and all overseen by some mercurial mysterious "army council" and having access to weapons.

Saddam Hussein and Iraq was bombed back into the stone age for less.

when you say you could not care less about loyalist fruitloops, but you do care
about sf/ira links then that smacks of tacid acceptance of existence of loyalist groups,
when you say you could not care less about loyalist fruitloops, but you do care
about sf/ira links then that smacks of tacid acceptance of existence of loyalist groups,


They are all criminals and never had a mandate for murder and violence during the "troubles" nevermind in 2015.

They have no reason to exist apart from rackateering and crime in their respective communities all under a convenient flag of protection in case the other side flares up.
This report has blown away myths about the IRA and shaken the accepted wisdom on Sinn Féin

Suzanne Breen

Published 21/10/2015 | 02:30

New report: Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers

There are dynamite lines in the report into paramilitary activity in Northern Ireland which shakes what has until recently been the accepted wisdom on Sinn Féin and the IRA to the core.

The IRA, we were told time and time again, are on ceasefire, have decommissioned every weapon they ever possessed, and have ceased to exist.

This report blows away these myths and is much franker and blunter in parts than some cynics, including myself, thought it would be.

The army council, that seven-man body which directed the IRA's campaign of violence throughout the Troubles, not only continues to exist but currently controls Sinn Féin as well - at least that is what the report says IRA members believe.

The report found that other IRA structures remain in place, albeit in a reduced form, including some departments. These are likely to be the Provos' finance, intelligence, and security department among others.

The IRA continues intelligence-gathering on dissident republicans and attempting to identify CHIS, Covert Human Intelligence Sources - informers.

Given that Sinn Féin totally supports the PSNI, plays a full role on the Policing Board and says its signed up to the rule of law, there is no benign reason for the IRA to carry out these functions.

It is the job of the police and intelligence services to pursue republican dissidents, and they have been doing so with huge success in recent times. If the Provisionals are concerning themselves in the business of hunting down dissidents or informers it is for highly dubious reasons.

In recent years, Sinn Féin has supported the role of informers in the fight against paramilitary activity, providing they act within the law. So why would the IRA be actively trying to identify agents?

Given the fate that befell senior Sinn Féin figure and RUC Special Branch agent Denis Donaldson, who was shot dead by republicans at his Donegal cottage in 2006, this revelation has clearly sinister overtones.

The report states that, despite claims that the IRA decommissioned its huge arms cache in 2005, the Provos still retain weapons.

All these disclosures add up to the fact that while the IRA has downsized, it certainly has not disappeared.

Sinn Féin is not just a normal political party, a greener and more militant SDLP or Fianna Fáil

The get-out clause in the document is when it states that, at a local level, IRA activity takes place without the leadership's knowledge or direction.

This would cover murders like that of Robert McCartney, Paul Quinn, and Kevin McGuigan.

But the reality is that 21 years after the IRA ceasefire, the army council has had ample opportunity to close down those at a local level who continue to kill and it has chosen not to.

If that doesn't amount to sanctioning murder, it does amount at the very least to a policy of turning a blind eye to it.

But for some reason they do. (crime and control)

I could not care less about Loyalist fruitloops but I do care about SF/IRA links to murder and criminality seeking public office and all overseen by some mercurial mysterious "army council" and having access to weapons.

Saddam Hussein and Iraq was bombed back into the stone age for less.

Interesting that you "could not care less" about the people involved in carrying out the likes of the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings.

By the way can you tell us about the "mercurial mysterious" council of 15 that oversees FF.
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