Judge Martin Nolan

As I understand it (awaits input from resident truck driver) the fact he retreated from the confrontation to avoid violence and they came after him putting him in fear of his life , he was within his rights to defend himself upto and including lethal force.

I'm with the landowner to be honest. They went looking for trouble and got it.
Yeah, I thought initially maybe a bit extreme to execute the dog and maybe that heightened tensions,

but then if you look objectively , he wouldn't have had to do anything if they just respected people's property and didn't intrude. And think it was a recurring issue.
Yeah, I thought initially maybe a bit extreme to execute the dog and maybe that heightened tensions,

but then if you look objectively , he wouldn't have had to do anything if they just respected people's property and didn't intrude. And think it was a recurring issue.

I'd have to read back the facts of the case again but iirc he said he was fearful the dog was going to go after livestock.

I wouldn't in a million years take a dog onto someone else's property without permission. Especially a working farm.You're asking for trouble.
Jazzy (techno)
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

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