Jim Allister TUV

Guy makes pact with Ben Habib in Reform.
No one from Reform canvasses during election.
Farage backs Wilson and Paisley in DUP.
Reform send TUV a cheque.
Habib gets shafted by Farage and Tice.
Allister takes the Reform whip.

He is a KC. Himself and Hoey have lost every court case they've taken. Ben Lowry editor of the Newsletter is like his personal propaganda agent.

In his speech he talked about colonialism and partition and that WM needed to remove the border that partitioned the country to which Colum Eastwood said partition is bad alright. Allister says this stuff without a hint of irony.
The TUV have 1 MP 1 MLA and 9 Councillors and live in the 1960s. One of their councillors said St Patricks Day was too Irish. Jim has been giving out that mercury teeth fillings are to be phased out by the EU on health grounds along with Smokey Bacon Tayto. Jim campaigned for Brexit and as an ex MEP collects a big pension from them.
Flashdance: 80s 90s & More Video DJ Set
The Pav, Careys Lane

20th Sep 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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