On a packed train there and these two Ukranian ones come on and sit in someone else's seats. When those people arrive and try and explain that they reserved those seats, they eventually give up as they may as well be talking to a wall.
Then they start listening to videos in Ukranian/Russian on a phone out loud, which is really fucking annoying.
The train attendant comes down and explains to them that they need to use headphones as its annoying other passengers.
They quickly produce their social welfare cards and then continue listening to the video.
Whatever about the social welfare cards annoying me who has shelled out nearly €70 for my ticket, but how can you live in a country for 3 years and not speak a word of the language? And it's not like we speak Mandarin, it's feckin English, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
Drives me mental.