GAAGO - Rebel Strike (again)

The simple fix to all the GAAGO controversy is to make one decent match Saturday evening available on RTE/TG4.
Then you will have free games available Saturday and Sunday and all other games available on GAAGO if you don't want to watch the free games on offer.
The easiest way to fix it is to tell the entitled fools who want every game shown to fuck off. Fix games at times to suit people who want to go to them. Throw ins at 1 on Saturdays to suit tv are a joke. Show 2 games on Saturdays, throw in at 5 and 7, 2 on Sunday, throw in at 2 and 4. If games clash, tough shit
Erra the Gah's efforts to extract every euro possible out of supporters is going to backfire.

They should be trying to maximise their audience instead of putting the best behind a paywall

Saturday evening kids will just watch Munster or Leinster free to air instead of whatever championship game is on for €€€
Killian Sundermann (This Boy Is Cracking Up)
City Limits, Coburg St.

28th Feb 2025 @ 8:00 pm
More info..

DJ Ghori

The Vicarstown, Tomorrow @ 11pm

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