Fuck off with your Jazzing!

'Gosh, Cleobury Humperdunks DJ set in the Triskel was de berries.

Really chilled out vibe and such a cool guy as we poisoned him in the Corner House after.

I've been to gigs from Bucharest to Dubrovnik and nothing compared to being ten deep at the bar for a plastic up of Arthur's '.

You people sicken me.
Wearing a suit in an Irish climate is a recipe for freezing your bollocks off on a night out.
Gway ya misery

So I walked into town earlier to sample the so called jazz buzz, my enthusiasm drained as I passed group after group of young bogger yahoos in their ill fitting suits, after crossing the footbridge onto the Grand Parade I quickly realised this was not my scene and took a sharp left down Tuckey Street and was again homeward bound.

There was awful loud banging music playing outside the Oval but even worse than that was to follow at the pub that used to be the Gateway, they had a covers band on who were playing Believe by Cher as I was passing.

Grim scenes indeed.

So I walked into town earlier to sample the so called jazz buzz, my enthusiasm drained as I passed group after group of young bogger yahoos in their ill fitting suits, after crossing the footbridge onto the Grand Parade I quickly realised this was not my scene and took a sharp left down Tuckey Street and was again homeward bound.

There was awful loud banging music playing outside the Oval but even worse than that was to follow at the pub that used to be the Gateway, they had a covers band on who were playing Believe by Cher as I was passing.

Grim scenes indeed.


5th March.. Foster + Allen at Silver Springs (y)
When Harry Met Sally
Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St.

14th Feb 2025 @ 6:00 pm
More info..

Viktoria Kondratieva: Studios Of Sanctuary

Triskel Arts Centre, Today @ 11am

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