Does music give you goosebumps?


  • Yes

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Sander's mam gives me goosebumps

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
I believe Chris Cornell said he was actually at his worst personally during the Audioslave era. Neckin Vodka for breakfast kinda job. And then you few hard drugs (coke,meth) and a divorce all thrown in at the same time….

I liked them, Cornell could sing the phone book and it would sound great.

Himself and Chester Bennington were apparently very close and only passed away a few months apart.

If we were to go back to the initial question posed by Matlock, I'd have to say that a few Linkin Park songs fall into the goosebumps category for me.

They were my introduction to heavier/alternative music, and when I hear songs like In the End of Numb I'm transported back to 2003/4, starting out on a road to whoever it is I've become now.

I saw Linkin Park twice. Once supporting Metallica in Dublin in 2003 when Meteora had just come out and they were at their peak. Second time was at a festival in Austria in either 2012 or 13. The weather was brutal and you could barely make out the songs, and they cut their set short as a result. I'm still really thankful I got to see them in their prime.

Chester incidentally loved Cork, and got a tattoo in Midleton.
Ya Cogee they were underrated in comparison to Nirvana, who I thought they were vastly superior to.Soundgarden for me were the pinnacle of the genre, Cornell was an incredible vocalist.
Jerry Cantrell is still going strong and producing some great music
He was unreal..
I thought Layne Staley was better. Different, but better..
Who would you put as your top 4 vocalists of the 90’s ?
I might be in the minority but i thought that the Zwan album was fantastic …

That album was cool, and Honestly is an absolutely class song.

And the bassist is absolutely fucking savage

Jesus I love women


Myself and Matlock went to see the Pumpkins in Dublin last year, fantastic gig.

Obviously we went separately. She wouldn't be seen dead with me in public

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