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I believe Chris Cornell said he was actually at his worst personally during the Audioslave era. Neckin Vodka for breakfast kinda job. And then you few hard drugs (coke,meth) and a divorce all thrown in at the same time….
I liked them, Cornell could sing the phone book and it would sound great.
Himself and Chester Bennington were apparently very close and only passed away a few months apart.
If we were to go back to the initial question posed by Matlock, I'd have to say that a few Linkin Park songs fall into the goosebumps category for me.
They were my introduction to heavier/alternative music, and when I hear songs like In the End of Numb I'm transported back to 2003/4, starting out on a road to whoever it is I've become now.
I saw Linkin Park twice. Once supporting Metallica in Dublin in 2003 when Meteora had just come out and they were at their peak. Second time was at a festival in Austria in either 2012 or 13. The weather was brutal and you could barely make out the songs, and they cut their set short as a result. I'm still really thankful I got to see them in their prime.
Chester incidentally loved Cork, and got a tattoo in Midleton.