Yawn...But you'd accept right now we are it.
Neil de Grasse Tyson has a very interesting article linked below
The Search for Life in the Universe - Neil deGrasse Tyson
By Neil deGrasse Tyson Natural History Magazine September 1996 Published under the title “Is Anyone Out There Like Us?” To declare that Earth is the only planet in the universe with life would be inexcusably bigheaded of us. The recent discovery of about half a dozen planets around stars other...neildegrassetyson.com
200,000 years at light speed to cross the Milky Way.
Our physics says beyond light speed isn't possible.
2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe.
JWT has found some believed to be older than the Big Bang.
That's at least 400 quadrillion light years to cross the universe at light speed, not including the dark matter in between.
We are it. That's not to say there isn't tons of other aliens out there, rather that we will never find it and in all likelihood they won't find us. So looking for alien life or life off planet - drive on - but unless it is microscopic, E.T won't need his Raleigh 20.
Space and time can be bent, if advanced it'd be like going down Crosser for a spin and bag of chips.