Dear David Lynch

I love Twin Peaks. Weird, terrifying and hilarious in equal measure. And some brilliant characters. There's a few shite episodes after Lynch left the show(until returning for the ending of the original run). I was thinking of re-watching 'The Return'. Might do that sooner rather than later now. The 'Gotta Light' episode was unreal.
Twin Peaks one of the best shows and i still have the box set. Plus the soundtrack is amazing

I remember buying the box set off CDWOW in the mid-noughties.
Was this cover:
I love Twin Peaks. Weird, terrifying and hilarious in equal measure. And some brilliant characters. There's a few shite episodes after Lynch left the show(until returning for the ending of the original run). I was thinking of re-watching 'The Return'. Might do that sooner rather than later now. The 'Gotta Light' episode was unreal.
I remember loving it to begin with and then it just went weird. Like someone on psychedelic drugs was directing it.
Yes Pussinboots

i think it was as far back as 2003 I bought that box set. i remember I just got the PS2 so I had a DVD player. But I remember for some reason at the time the TV I was using while in colour, outputted the DVDs in black and white. I think it might have had something to with the DVDs were NTSC. I had to solve it by using the PS2 on a different telly.
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