Crawford Art Gallery

The big joke here is that nobody bats an eyelid at the prospect of a three-year closure. Such is the inept management and couldn't give a s***e attitude of the civil service and local government overseers that everyone totally accepts this as a realistic timeline for government projects. It's not that long ago since the gallery was shut for the construction of the extension. The same practices are evident everywhere there is civil service / local government involevement in construction.

  • Four years to re-pave MacCurtain Street - and no cleaning plan in place when it was finished
  • Natural history museum in Dublin shut for pretty much a decade for repeated works
  • Now entering the eighth consecutive year of barricades and works on the Monkstown line
  • ā‚¬330k and two-year delay in building a a bike shed


The only certainty is that it won't be open by this time 2027. These contractors work and deliver on time and on budget when they are supervised appropriately.
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The big joke here is that nobody bats an eyelid at the prospect of a three-year closure. Such is the inept management and couldn't give a s***e attitude of the civil service and local government overseers that everyone totally accepts this as a realistic timeline for government projects. It's not that long ago since the gallery was shut for the construction of the extension. The same practices are evident everywhere there is civil service / local government involevement in construction.

  • Four years to re-pave MacCurtain Street - and no cleaning plan in place when it was finished
  • Natural history museum in Dublin shut for pretty much a decade for repeated works
  • Now entering the seventh consecutive year of barricades and works on the Monkstown line
  • ā‚¬330k and two-year delay in building a a bike shed


The only certainty is that it won't be open by this time 2027. These contractors work and deliver on time and on budget when they are supervised appropriately.
Do forget 350 vacant council own properties in the middle of a housing crisis.
Public servants in this country are the most useless, inept, ignorant, workshy shower that I ever had the misfortune to come across. They wouldn't be allowed make tea in the private sector.
The Rock Orchestra
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

14th Oct 2024 @ 9:15 pm
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Ricky Kelleher

Seventy Seven, Today @ 9pm

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