*Warning, it’s graphic*PJ mentioned something about gardai investigating an incident in Merchants quay last week Rumoured to be a young
boy confronted by an adult in the toilets,,
It was posted in SF, Doll Heaphy with the lardy arseAnyone see the callout videos being exchanged between a certain female from a well known Cork family and a traveller woman from the Northside that appeared on the Cork Reddit sub this week?
It's both comic and tragic at the same time with a few very choice words being spoken in anger.
The bingo hall by Jim's house is the proposed venue for the bout btw.
I just happened to see this on twitter just nowPJ mentioned something about gardai investigating an incident in Merchants quay last week Rumoured to be a young
boy confronted by an adult in the toilets,,
Awful to see. I hate seeing anyone being assaulted.saw video of alleged abuser getting a hammering in town,
This is Ireland, we have a legal system here that is solely self served.Awful to see. I hate seeing anyone being assaulted.