I keep saying this, but the "long term/traditional SF voter", who over the past year or two has abandoned the party due to "woke", clearly spent too much time buying bodhrans from Port Laoise or Sniper At Work calendars for the kitchen instead of understanding what the party stands for, and more importantly, has stood for over the past 2-3 decades(long before FG abandoned the red cheeks and comb overs of their base).As you have said yourself it is the lack of a decent opposition party that sees them secure, SF biggest mistake was trying to be a bit of all things to everybody,
They may have kept the woke voter onside but they have pissed off the long term SF voter who have now moved elsewhere,
If Labour had a decent leader they would make progress,
Part of the rise in SF support from young people, arose from a block with no intention of following their parents down the same old beaten and failed track. People who viewed the world differently and wanted an alternative. And there it was, ready made. With an edge to boot.