Cool Films that could have been made if the Writer made a Spelling Mistake

Gangs of Nyhaven

Wolfy van der Greylock's Gangs of Nyhaven introduces today's simpletons to a dark corner shop in Copey next to Schmeichy's appartment which was known to locals as the centre of all they loved (sunday brunches without spewing, not acting like a ferret etc.) Into this frontier of extreme lawfulness arrives Vincent Murphy, the orphaned son of Papa Shango, former owner of Zoo bar. Vincent Murphy and his Dead Ferrets Gang made up of other foreign invaders (Ted the tugger, Ange the Butcher and Hands the munter hunter) claim the neighbourhood as their own. It becomes the centre of vice and chaos where ferreting and downing fishies is de rigeur. The only hope of salvation is through the Gang of dead ferrets (tetley rip) cuddling all the copey angels in a nudey fashion, a feat which proves all too easy. While this opens up a whole new world for the angels, it is not to the taste of the local toothless simpies who wage war on the ferrets resulting in a pumeroo.
Noughty Club Night
The Pavilion, 13 Careys Lane, Cork City

26th Oct 2024 @ 11:30 pm
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DJ Denis (Crystal Bar)

Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 11pm

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