Christmas Driving

With the new speed limits coming into play end of the week will the authorities have the new signs up in all these places in time?
I’m confused on some roads as to whether they are changing speed limits on them or not.
With the new speed limits coming into play end of the week will the authorities have the new signs up in all these places in time?
I’m confused on some roads as to whether they are changing speed limits on them or not.
Well as far as I know, we are obliged to not exceed the posted speed limit on the particular road that a sign is on, therefore if it's an 80 km, then that's the limit surely ?

I know the talk is all 80's are gone to 60's but surely not until the actual signage has been changed
Well as far as I know, we are obliged to not exceed the posted speed limit on the particular road that a sign is on, therefore if it's an 80 km, then that's the limit surely ?

I know the talk is all 80's are gone to 60's but surely not until the actual signage has been changed
Well that’s what one would expect- but I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere that the signage for the new limits will be rolled out and implemented by a particular date - or not as the case may be.
Controversial opinion but Ireland has some of the best drivers in the world. Much better than most countries.
Controversial opinion but Ireland has some of the best drivers in the world. Much better than most countries.
I'd actually agree!

What you see on the roads here is no different to what you see in a lot of Europe.. Austria, German, Holland etc.. go to the likes of Italy and Greece and it all starts to turn a bit mad, but then flick over to parts of South America, Asia, Lebanon etc and you have full on crazy shit as standard

We do fine here, but doesn't mean the roads aren't well stocked with dopes either
Going by this, I foresee a lot of court cases if the signs on the roads are not updated :

If a section of road is not signposted correctly per then new arrangement you'd expect that the gardai would go as far as only warning motorists of the change- unless someone of course is tearing the hole out of it.
Stand-up Comedy Club: Low-key Funny
The Roundy, Castle St.

12th Mar 2025 @ 8:30 pm
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