2023 Premier Junior hurling

You are confusing strength with competitiveness I think.
The standard of Junior A hurling in general is not good. I’ve a couple of cousins playing in North Cork and I’ve had the misfortune to go 4 championship matches in the last couple of years. I’ll be polite and say the standard is not good, poor hurling basics, non existent hurling fundamentals and the pace is slow. It’s Junior B dolled up, that’s all.
If we are going to base divisions purely on the best team within them then Duhallow is the strongest, Dromtariffe have been favourite for the county for the past few years
Kilshannig, Clyda Rovers, Ballyhooly very strong team on paper but haven’t been able to produce on the pitch, Killavullen a young coming team, Harbour Rovers were in a county final 2 years ago, LC Gaels a coming team too and knocked out Clyda last year, Dromina can catch a team on their day too
Out of all the teams you mention, only Kilshannig and Clyda have any potential in winning a county. And if football was to get a run in either club then hurling will take a back seat. that would leave a weaker team potentially progressing.
Its competitive between 3/4 teams outside these 2 but that doesnt make Avondhu a strong competitive division in junior hurling.
Ballyhooly not a very strong team, Harbour rovers have Condon. If he has an off day or injuried then Glanworth are a very poor A team. LC Gaels like Glanworth, they have O'Brien. Killavullen alright have a young team and in about 2/3 years time i can see them doing something.

I going to say Charleville 2nd string would match most teams in Avondhu outside of Kilshannig and Clyda.
Out of all the teams you mention, only Kilshannig and Clyda have any potential in winning a county. And if football was to get a run in either club then hurling will take a back seat. that would leave a weaker team potentially progressing.
Its competitive between 3/4 teams outside these 2 but that doesnt make Avondhu a strong competitive division in junior hurling.
Ballyhooly not a very strong team, Harbour rovers have Condon. If he has an off day or injuried then Glanworth are a very poor A team. LC Gaels like Glanworth, they have O'Brien. Killavullen alright have a young team and in about 2/3 years time i can see them doing something.

I going to say Charleville 2nd string would match most teams in Avondhu outside of Kilshannig and Clyda.
But looking at the rest of the divisions you struggle to find much quality or strength in depth.

Duhallow: Dromtarriffe out in front being very strong with a good Newmarket team behind them, not much quality besides those 2 teams.

Imokilly: Itas probably favourites who are a good team, Cobh a young exciting team who could end up being a real quality side. Next up probably Carrignavar who promised a lot and have improved but haven’t fired on, definitely can’t see them winning a county. After that is there really much else? Some second/third teams who won’t do much damage, maybe Fr O Neills might be a threat to some teams.

Carrigdhoun: Ballygarvan could definitely kick on and have quality but the quality of the division simply isn’t on the level of the aforementioned ones.

Muskerry: Ballinora another team would have very good young players, strong team. Grenagh have quality too but probably not enough do damage outside of Muskerry. Dripsey would be handy enough, and Inniscarra’s second team are a good enough outfit all depending on who’s able to play.

Carbery: Ballinascarthy have potential to win a county, Clonakilty could come very good if knocked out of the football but still wouldn’t have the quality to win a county. Dohenys are a good side too who can challenge Ballinascarthy. Newcestown decent too.

Seandun: Passage a quality team, Nemo up there too, Brian Dillons seem to have slipped a bit, maybe Whitechurch could come good, Vincent’s a decent side too but overall quality still isn’t great in the division apart from top teams.
Ballygarvan vs Barryroe - Ballygarvan
Kilbrittain vs Milford - Kilbrittan
Erin's own vs Glen Rovers - Glen
Meelin vs Russell Rovers - Russell Rovers
St. Finbarrs vs St. Catherines - St. Catherines
Argideen Rangers vs Tracton - Tracton
Is Avondhu that competitive??? Kilshannig are the stand out team and will win it every year unless they win a County.

And if Kilshannig dont win it, its going to be Clyda Rovers.

This division will only be contested with these 2 teams until both teams win the county.

Nothing else really in the division.
Kilshanning won their first one ever last year and Clyda won their first won in 30 years a couple years ago. Not exactly winning it every year is it 😂 any team can win it and compete in the county too. Kilshanning mightn’t even make it out the group this year.
Avondhu have made it to the final stages of the division/colleges section two years in a row with a minimum 10 junior hurlers starting every game.
You'll play harder games in Avondhu than you will in the county section
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The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

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