2023 Intermediate A football

Glanworth are an ageing team, so unsure if they will make much impact in the championship this year.
Glanworth are on the down but it's such a poor weak championship this year don't be surprised if they come out the group. Still tough to beat on championship day.
Kildorrey bearly made it passed kinsale in 2021 relegation and they put in a decent effort last year.
Reality of it is that a lot of these teams would barley make it out of their division if they were Junior A. County board missed a trick when the restructuring was done a few years back. Should have been two up two down for a few years to balance things out
Reality of it is that a lot of these teams would barley make it out of their division if they were Junior A. County board missed a trick when the restructuring was done a few years back. Should have been two up two down for a few years to balance things out
Vincents would win city.
Mitchelstown, kildorrery Glanworth would all win Avondhu if any of them were there.
Dromtarriffe or Boherbue would win Duhallow handy.
Aghabullogue would win Muskerry. Ballinora have plenty of talent but haven’t delivered on it in recent years so unsure how they would get on.

Adrigole would automatically win beara.
Gabriel rangers would be up there in Carbery, and glanmire or Glenville would probably win imokilly?

Maybe it was a fair comment in the past, but I Don’t think that statement is accurate at all anymore.

There are maybe a handful of teams in grades below them in cork that would do better than them, but that has always been the case in every grade be it hurling or football. Teams go through good and bad spells.

Problem with the structure is that the divisions are outdated. Fairest way to do it would be to have 16 team grades from junior A down to F or how ever many would be needed. Dublin do something along those lines I believe. It would mean that clubs stuck in a competitive division (Muskerry, carbery) at junior A level would get a fair shot at promotion, instead of the like of Canovee or Tadhg mc’s (just examples) not making it out of their division each year.
Reality of it is that a lot of these teams would barley make it out of their division if they were Junior A. County board missed a trick when the restructuring was done a few years back. Should have been two up two down for a few years to balance things out
If you look at the teams in the grade they would nearly all comfortably win there division if they were in Junior A divisions
Seandun - St Vincents would win this comfortably
Beara - Adrigole would win this in a canter
Imokilly - Glanmire and Glenville would be far better than any other team in East Cork Junior A
Duhallow - Mitchelstown, Glanworth and Kildorrey - They all would be far better than what's left currently.
Avondhu - Boherbue and Dromtariffe - Nothing left in Duhallow to beat them
Carbery - Gabriel Rangers would be hard to beat
Muskerry - Aghabullogue would win Muskerry. Ballinora may struggle with the likes of Aghinagh and Canovee but wouldnt be much in it.
Just speaking from a Ballinora perspective, the league has been poor, but also it’s the league so nowhere near full strength (like most sides of course).

There’s a strong crop of young lads there, but still very young and no guarantee of panning out. They won the U18 Premier 2 fairly handily in ‘21 with the likes of Kingston and then you have the likes of Lordan too who’s slightly older, and a few others in and around Cork panels, I’d expect a few more of those to be coming into the side this season. There’s plenty of talent around, but most of it is still under 21 so time is needed I guess.

Currently, I’d be fancying Boherbue to win the group and Mitchelstown second, but if things are bad as some claim I’d be hopeful Ballinora could rattle them. I’d be hoping the lads have enough for Kildorrery and avoiding relegation but you never know.

It’s weird, I’d nearly fancy them being better hurlers at the moment, but there’s still a two grade difference there (though a lot of the difference is down to physicality from what I see).
Mitchelstown and boherbue will be too strong for both Ballinora and Killdorrery. Its a 50/50 call on this one but I believe Killdorrery are missing a few players who are travelling. And Ballinora results in league haven't been over inspiring. It's all on the day Glanworth are often mentioned. They've been in this grade since 2010 and the best they have done is a semi final some year. However the group they are in looks light but if St Vincent's get their act together they could go all the way.
Just noticed Glanworth have conceded 4 leagues this year. Must have serious issues if you are conceding this amount of games.
Talking to someone from down there he was saying that they’ve been destroyed by injuries this year, travelling and LC. Likes of Pyne and Darragh o Brien haven’t played a minute for them. They’d only be sending junior B teams to play the league matches with about 4/5 actual intermediates. Confident that those lads will be back in time for first round but who knows
Talking to someone from down there he was saying that they’ve been destroyed by injuries this year, travelling and LC. Likes of Pyne and Darragh o Brien haven’t played a minute for them. They’d only be sending junior B teams to play the league matches with about 4/5 actual intermediates. Confident that those lads will be back in time for first round but who knows
They have had lots of injuries and absences for other reason, Mitchelstown the same.

Both clubs took the opportunity to give some young lads game time.

Players coming back now and training hard.

I keep saying it... ignore what has happened up to now.
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