2023 Intermediate A football

Kildorrery proving the doubters wrong again
I was talking to a kildorrery lad at the match oast night he said they were missing 8 from last years panel all gone travelling Canada Australia and there 7 point scorer is leaving in 3 weeks. For a small rural club there some outfit to be able to keep going. .
Ballinora need to be more direct I know it really was a relegation battle last night But MAN that was an hour of my life I can never get back
Dromtarriffe 3-14 Glanmire 3-10
Gabriel Rangers 2-12 Glenville 1-8

Both Glanmire and Glenville could be in a relegation battle also looking at those.
I was at the Dromtarriffe and Glanmire game. Was a good game in poor conditions, never knew who was going to come out on top until Glanmire went down to 14 and Dromtarriffe struck their 3rd goal late on. Conor O'Callaghan is a brilliant footballer as well as hurler. All to play for now against St Vincent's and Glanworth
I highly doubt they were that bad considering most junior clubs at this stage would go down if they got promoted with the exception of Kilmurry
John Lydon - I Could Be Wrong, I Could Be Right
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

17th Sep 2025 @ 8:00 pm
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